Training is a lot more enjoyable when the weather is nice 😊☀️
Upcoming training/matches - check the calendar for details:
- Wednesdays - Badger training - back at the normal time of 7:00-8:15pm
- Fridays - Skills training with Dave O'Brien at Wyndley Leisure Centre 8:00-9:15pm - £5 per player, for children in Yr6+
- Saturday 17th June - internal training match - for children in Yrs 5+
- Saturday 24th June - U12 + U14 Boys friendly matches vs QMGS school - at Aston Uni Rec Ground
- Sunday 2nd July - Mini festival for U10s + U12s - hosted by Barford Tigers at Hamstead Hall Academy
- Sunday 23rd July - Youth Awards/BBQ - at Streetly Sports Club - ALL club members invited, young and old!
U8 training: we will start an U8s training session from September, more news on that to come!