Beacon Hockey Club

Beacon Hockey Club

powered by
U12 Squad

U12 vs QMGS U12 Boys

Saturday 24th June 2023



Red tops, white shorts (if you have them)

We are playing 2 exhibition matches (7-a-side, 2 x 30 min games) against mixed-ability boys' teams (not the QMGS A-teams) representing QMGS school.

- Venue: Aston University Recreation Centre (AURC).
- We hope that the QMGS pupils who are also Beacon players can play for us 😊

- 13:05-13:35 First Match (14 mins each way)
Pitch 1 (gate side): QMGS U12 v Beacon U12
Pitch 2 (far side): QMGS U14 v Beacon U14

- 13:35-13:45: 10 min break/team reorganization

- 13:45-14:15: Second Match (14 mins each way)
Mixed match (U12+U14 in same team)
Pitch 1 (gate side): QMGS U12/U14 'A' v Beacon U12/U14 'A'
Pitch 2 (far side): QMGS U12/U14 '1' v Beacon U12/U14 '1'

The matches will be followed by a short presentation to the Beacon and QMGS boys' parents after the games in the AURC clubhouse, which will comprise a brief welcoming address from Beacon HC Club Chairman Andrew Dickson, followed by an overview of the QM Project by Richard Langton, QMGS Headteacher.

This event is in support of the project to build a full-sized hockey astroturf pitch at the school for the 2023-24 season.
There is no charge for playing in these matches 👍🏻

Aston Uni Recreational Grounds

West Midlands,
B43 7AJ

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